Was born on 28th July, 1810. He graduated from the Bezborodko Gymnasium of Higher Science, where his 3 brothers Petro (1816), Andrii (1817) and Oleksandr (1819) studied. A member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1849). His teachers were Karl Briulov and Oleksii Venetsianov. He was a professor of painting (1851). He worked in the genre of portrait, landscape and so on. Also, he worked at the portraits of M. Gogol, E. Hrebinka and O. Kolzov. Mokrytskyi took an active part in the redemption from serfdom of T. Schevchenko. His pupils were the famous Russian painters V.H. Petrov (1834-1882) and I.I. Shyshkin (1832-1898).
In early childhood he completely lost his eye sight. After graduation from Kiev University (1940) he was sent to Nizhyn to work as a lawyer at the Nizhyn city collegium of lawyers. He was the world's only blind head of an underground organization. Some streets in Nizhyn were named after him, a bust of him was imposed (1967), on the house where the headquarter of the undergrounders was, a memorial plaque was placed and there was a memorial on the place of their execution. There is a film which tells as about their activities. It has two series. It is called: “After night day follows” (the director is O.I. Bijma). The role of Batiuk was performed by B.O. Konkin.
A metropolitan, a bishop and the Byelorussian archbishop, a professor and rector of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and the famous Ukrainian writer. The author of several works of poetry and prose, mainly on spiritual, moral and aesthetic issues. He was the Orthodox Church advocate, he was against the Union and the conversion of uniates to Orthodoxy. He came from the noble Konyskyh family. He graduated from Kiev Academy (1728-1743). He founded (1757) and took care of Mohyla seminary. On 26th August, 1993 after the decision of the Synod of the Byelorussian Orthodox Church, Heorhii Konyskyi became a member of the locally venerated saints. In one of the poems, there are the lines, which are dedicated to the place of his birth, " GradNezhyn is my father and Kiev is my teacher". One street in Nizhyn was named after H. Konyskyi, but in 1919 it got a new name - Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Street.
Was born on 27th (16 GC) February, 1756. He donated a building with a garden and 210 thousand roubles to the foundation of the Nizhyn High School of Science, which were given by his brother Alexander Bezborodko for charity. He pledged himself to continue supporting this school with 150 thousand roubles each year.
The Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Archbishop of Chernihiv (since 1697), Metropolitan Tobolskyi (from 1711), known for his theological and missionary activities. He was the founder of Chernihiv Collegium (1700) - a prototype of seminaries. He was canonized on the 10th June, 1916. The third Sunday after Pentecostis is dedicated to commemorate St. Ioann on the day of the Council of Galician Saints.
Was born on 8th March, 1904 in Nizhyn, in the family of the priest of Nizhyn Mykolaivskyi Cathedral of Heorhii (Jurii) Spaskyi archpriest. He graduated from Nizhyn classical gymnasium by historical and philological Institute (1914-1921), NINO (1921-1925). After his graduation from the institute of linguistics and history of the material culture, which was attached to Leningrad State University (1928), he returned to Nizhyn and took part in the Nizhyn district Museum establishment, and became its first headmaster. The international scientific conferences “Spassky readings” (2010, 2012) were held in Nizhyn. He was a leading expert on the Russian numismatics, the main guard of the department of numismatists of the State Hermitage. He was the founder of the Soviet (Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian) Numismatic scientific schools. He was buried in St. Petersburg.
Was born on 13th November, 1804 in Nizhyn. He came from a family of a Nizhyn-Greek tradesman. He was a honourable citizen of Kyiv (1872). He did a lot for Kyiv, being its governor (1839-1852). He was engaged in charity and contributed to the development of science and education. Andriyivskyi Uzviz was paved for his funds, a fountain was put on Teatralna (European) square, which was called “Fundukleivskyi”, the first Mykolaivskyi chain bridge (the first capital bridge over the Dnipro to Kyiv, that existed in 1853-1920 years) and the house of the first Kyiv town Council were built. He created the first gymnasium for women in the Russian Empire, which was called “Fundukleivskyi women’s college” (opened on 7th January, 1860).
Was bornon 5th March, 1827. He studied at Nizhyn judicial Lyceum (1849-1855). БHlibov’sfables, written in Nizhyn, became recognizable with fellows and teachers; in particular, a professor of theory and history of literature M. Tulov believed that "Hlibov’s fables showed everyday life of the Ukrainian people - completely independent and very valuable work is a major contribution to literature". Buried in Chernihiv. On the monument, which was built on public funds, the words of V. Samiilenko which were written exactly that day of Hlibov’s death, were stamped.
Was born on 4th August (on 23th July GC), 1854 in Zanky, Nizhyn district. She studied at Nizhyn private French boarding school of Madame Sher. In 1876, she came out on the stage of the Nizhyn theater for the first time. Till the end of her life she did not break ties with the Nizhyn theatrical circle, where she lived continuously from1902 till 1924 and off and on returning after her tours – till 1932. During 1906, 1913-1915 she worked as a chief of the Nizhyn amateur theatrical circle. The First Public Actress of the URSR (1923). To the ceremony of awarding her this status a delegation from Nizhyn came. It consisted of F.D. Protsenko, T.A. Ahre and two girls from Zanky. After noticing her fellows, Mariia broke into tears. They presented her with gifts and congratulations, they were: “….coryphaeus of the critics and literature incline their heads before Your genius and they admitted that Your talent shone brighter than the well-known talent of Sary Bernar…” Her house is saved till now. A college of culture and arts, a street, a square in Nizhyn are named after her. There is a memorial monument to Zankovetska in Nizhyn (the sculptor is O.Skoblykov).
Was born on 20th January, 1885 in Nizhyn. A pupil of Nizhyn girls' gimnasium. She participated in the local drama circle which was led by Mariia Zankovetska. The house of the actress is preserved in, 8, Batiuk Street. She worked in the company of Mykola Sadovskyi from the day of the founding of the theater (from 1906 to 1920). She acted in films: "Zaporizkyi Treasure" (1913, girl), "The Rain" (1929, Catherine II). In 1944 she went abroad. She died in Australia.
Was born on 8th October, 1911 in Nizhyn and lived with his family there for about 10 years (according to other information sources – 5 years). He was a public actor of the RSFSR (1965) and a prominent Russian singer. He played in 35 movies. On 7th October, 2011 in Nizhyn, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Bernes on Ovdiivska Street, House70, where he was born, an updated plaque was opened (with the false date of birth – October,7) and on 13th October, 2011 in the Hravskyi park - a bronze sculpture of Arcadii Dziubin, whose role was played by M.Bernes in the film "Two soldiers". (sculptores: Chepelyk Volodymyr and Oleksandr Chepelyk, the architect is Volodymyr Pavlenko).
Was born on 27th (16 GC) December, 1737 in Nizhyn. He was a founder of archival, bibliographic case. A member of Russian Academy (1808). The author of over 30 scientific publications. He graduated from Nizhyn Greek School and studied at Kiev and Moscow Spiritual Academies. From 1762 and till his death he had been working in the archive College (later Ministry) of Foreign Affairs in Moscow, where he rose from the keeper of records to a manager of the archive. He rescued almost all materials from the Moscow archives in a fire in 1812.
Was born on 21st August, 1909. He spent his childhood (1911-1913) in Nizhyn, where his father worked as a teacher of religion in Nizhyn historical and philological Institute. His father, Mykola Boholiubov, was a philosopher and a theologian (1872-1934). A doctor of physical and mathematical sciences (1930), a professor (1946), an academician of the USSR (1948). A honorable member of a lot of AS and scientific communities. An honoured scientist of the USSR (1970). He founded scientific schools of nonlinear mechanics, statistical physics and quantum field theory. He worked as director of Theoretical Physics Institute, as director of the Mathematical Institute of the USSR, as director of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubno. For his outstanding achievements in the development of mathematics, mechanics and theoretical physics he was awarded twice the Hero of Socialist Labor (1969, 1979), the winner of Lenin (1958) and three USSR State Prizes (1947, 1953, 1984).
Was born on 25th (13 GC) October, 1860 in the family of a Nizhyn postman of the local postal station. He graduated from Nizhyn two-class school (1868-1870) and classical gymnasium at Nizhyn Bezborodko Historical and Philological Institute. On the facade of the house, where the artist was born (now a museum "Postal Station"), a memorial plaque (1970, sculptor S. Kantura) is placed. One of the streets in Nizhyn was named after him. He graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1885). An academician (1890), a member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1913), a honored artist of the RSFSR (1937), a laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1941). He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1940) Artistic heritage of more than 11,000 paintings, drawings, graphics and etchings, is kept in museums of Ukraine, Russia and in private collections (including foreign collections).
Was born on 1st (20 GC) April, 1809. He studied at the Nizhyn Bezborodko Higher School of Science (1821-1828). There he wrote his first literary works: a satire "Something about Nizhyn, or laws are not written to fools”, "the poem “Hants Kukhelharten”; published manuscript almanacs; he established an amateur theater, where he was a director, an actor and a designer. Nizhyn citizens commemorate M.Gogol; the first monument to Gogol was opened in 1881 (the sculptor was P. Zabila). To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the writer a memorial plaque (1909) on the façade of our institute was opened; The M. Gogol Museum (1927) was created; on the territory of Nizhyn Gogol State University a monument to the writer (1975) is placed. The central street in the city, a square, the university and a school 5 are named after him.
Was born in May 1801 in Nizhyn. He studied at the Nizhyn National two-year College (this building is now the school number one, 4, Hrebinka Street). His father was an assessor of the district cour of Nizhyn. One of the most active members of the Southern Society. Member of the Society of United Slavs (from 1825). He served time in the city of Narym in Tobolska province (from 1826), in the village of Kurahynske (since 1837), in the village of Tesninske (from 1839). Died in Minusynsk.
Was born on 25th February, 1901 in Nizhyn. She was an academician of the Academy of Sciences of USSR (1958) and a member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (1947). She participated in the establishing of historical science. She controlled the forming of the first generalized work from the Soviet historiography: “An outline of the history of the historical science USSR” (t.2-5). An idea to compose the first edition “The history and the historians” of the country belonged to M.V. Nechnik. In this edition, some problems of the Soviet and general historiography were elaborated. She prepared more than 500 poems for publication, which were reserved in the archives of RAS. For the first time everything was published in the book of Ada Svanidze “The second muse of a historian” (2003).
Was born on 20th September, 1809. He came to Nizhyn because his father V.H. Kukolnyk got a job as the first headmaster of the newly established gymnasium. He graduated from the Nizhyn Bezborodko Gymnasium of Higher Science (1821-1829). But, he did not get a certificate as he was accused of freethinking, which took place after the events in December 1825 (rebellion of the Decembrists). ЗHe began his literary career while studying in High School, but first works were not reserved, as they were withdrawn while conducting a police search. The Kukolnyk family was a member of the Uniate Church. Nestor’s godfather was the king Oleksandr the 1st. More than 27 composers wrote music to his poems (100 songs and romances) including M.I. Hlinka and P.P. Bulahov. He mystically died in Tahanroh. In 1931 his grave was desecrated. Today the place of the grave is unknown.
Was born on 11th (28th of February GC) March, 1816. He was a student of Nizhyn Bezborodko physico-mathematical Lyceum (1835). While studying he became close to E. Hrebinka. He was an inspector of school literacy, head of the museum of the Petropavlivska fortress. He established the newspaper “Petersburg’s leaf” and corrected the magazine “Spark”. He composed the Ukrainian-Russian dictionary (1855, which was not published). He wrote poetry, prose and literally critical articles. Some poems from the collection: “What was in the heart” (1855) were very close to folklore songs. He accompanied T. Shevchenko in the trip through the left bank of Ukraine (1845-1846). Precious material can be found in his “Memories of T.Shevchenko”, folk publications and ethnographic works – “A trip to the South Russia”.
Was born on 18th August, 1836 in Perehodivka, Nizhyn district. He spent his childhood in Nizhyn and remembered that time saying: "Nizhyn is a small town. However, it was a center of enlightenment of Chernihiv region and the north part of Poltava region. Bezborodko Lyceum stood here in its beauty. Nizhyn had the illustrious past, especially connected with mercenary, because of that, there were many wealthy citizens.
He finished Nizhyn noble district school. The author of lyrics “Pray for Ukraine”, he translated Shevchenko’s “Diary”. He was one of the first biographers of T.Shevchenko.
Was born on 31th (19GC) May, 1874. The family moved to Nizhyn in 1875, where her father Anton Dobiash taught Greek at the Bezborodko Institute of History and Philology. She graduated fromP. Kushakevych High female School with honours (1881-1890). She defended her doctoral dissertation in Sorbonne (1911). The first female master in the Russian Empire (1915). She was a corresponding member of the USSR (1929), Chairwoman of the All-Russian teachers' union (1904-1906); a lecturer of Higher Courses for Women (Bestuzhevskyh) (1907). She prepared and published the first Latin paleography guide in the Russian language (1923).
Was born on 17thJuly, 1891 in Nizhyn. She was known as the wife of the painter Pablo Picasso and as the mother of his son Paulo. Before marriage she performed in the troupe "Russian Ballet" of Serhii Diahilev. She left many portraits of Oleksandr Khokhlov, which had been written by P. Pikassso. The famous one was "A portrait of Olga in an armchair" which is stored in the Picasso Museum in Paris. She was buried in the cemetery of Grand Jas in Canny. The inscription on the tomb: "Olha Ruiz Picasso, born Khokhlova".
Was born on 1st November, 1891 in Nizhyn. According to the birth certificate, he was christened in Nizhyn Ioann Bohoslov Church as Yosyf. His father was a Cossack of Nizhyn. He graduated from Nizhyn gymnasium. During the First World War he was a cornet of the Russian army. He participated in the battle of Kruty. He belonged to the cohort of the founders of the OUN and was a member of the senior management –the leadership of the Ukrainian nationalists. He was awarded the Order of St. Heorhii for bravery, He was the head of the Ukrainian nationalists in the Liuksemburg and in adjacent areas of France (1929). He died in Eshi-Altset in Liuksemburg principality.
Was born on 7th August, 1819. He worked at the office of Nizhyn Bezborodko physico-mathematical Lyceum (1836). The author of the first Ukrainian historical novel "Black Board" (1846). Events of this book took place in Nizhyn in 1663. According to Ivan Franko’s words, "Black Board" – is "the best historical novel in our literature", and Taras Shevchenko wrote: "Thank you, dear God, my big friend for "Black Board". I read it twice, and would read for the third time and I’m sure to say nothing but thanks…". A participant ofthe Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood. The author of the first phonetic alphabet for the Ukrainian language, which lieson the basis of the modern Ukrainian spelling. He translated the Bible, almost all the poemsof Shakespeare, Goethe and John Byron. He spent last years of his life in a small village of Motronivka (now is Olenivka) Borznianskyi region, where he was buried.
Was born on 26th November, 1806. An inspector of Nizhyn BezborodkoJuridical Lyceum and urban gymnasium (1849-1859). In Nizhyn he planned to translate the Scripture into Ukrainian. He made the first full Ukrainian translation of Gospel (completed in November 1861). Later, he translated "Acts of the Apostles", "Apocalypse", "Psalter". Russian Academy of Sciences admitted his translation as one of the best among all the similar Slavic translations, but because of the language policy of the Russian Empire, Gospel was printed only in 1906. He wrote one course in the Ukrainian language: “Sacred stories” for primary schools and public reading. The fate of some manuscripts is unknown. He died in the village of Shniakivka, Nizhyn district, and was buried on the cemetery near the village’s church. He was awarded the Order of Stanislav III (1859).
Was born on 12th November, 1773 (9 Kislev 5534 - 9 Kislev 5588 according to the Jewish calendar). The second Liubavytskyi Rebe, Alter Rebe’s son, the founder of the Chabadu (one of the tendency of Hasidism). Because of his activities, the center of the world Hasidism was replaced to Nizhyn. He is buried in Nizhyn on the Jewish cemetery. His grave (Oel) was a place of pilgrimage for palmers from all over the world. On 19th November, 2007 close to Oel a synagogue was opened. With the arrival of Dov Ber Shneierson in Liubavych (1813) the town of Mohilev province (now the Smolensk region, Russia) became a Chabadu center, and its leaders started to be called Liubavytskymy.
Was born on 25th June, 1911. He spent his chilhood and youth in Nizhyn. He studied at Nizhyn labor school 7. An honourable citizen of Nizhyn. He presented Nizhyn with a collection of his paintings that are on display in the art gallery of Nizhyn Gogol State University, in the art department of the Nizhyn museum of regional ethnography of Ivan Spaskyi. The public Artist of the USSR, a prizewinner of the Shevchenko State Prize of Ukraine. He worked in the genres of portrait and still-life. Numerous works were dedicated to Kyiv, cycles and Samarkand and Zagorski studies (1942), front sketches and sketches of the destroyed Kyiv (1944), the Carpathian landscapes series (1947), landscapes of Shevchenko places, the Crimean sketches (1956). His works were put on display in the USSR and abroad.
He was born on 14th January (on 30th December GC), 1906. He spent his childhood in Nizhyn (1906-1914) and studied at Nizhyn gymnasium. He was an academician of the USSR (from 1958). He was a designer of the first artificial satellites and spacecrafts. Under his leadership, the first spacecrafts of the series "Luna", "Venus", "Mars", "Probe" were created, as well as some satellites of the series "Cosmos" and the project of the spacecraft "Soiuz". He was arrested. An asteroid was named after his name (1955).
Was born on 13th December, 1921 in Nizhyn. He constantly communicated with Nizhyn citizens and led correspondence with them. He came to Nizhyn in 70-90-s of the 20th century. He performed a concert in Nizhyn children's music school (1978). He was one of the greatest solo trumpeters of the 20th century. Public Actor of the RSFSR (1976), a professor Gnesin music and pedagogical Institute (1971-1990), a conductor of the Bolshoi Theater (1957-1959), a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, a teacher of the Sibelius Academy of Music in Helsinki (1991-1992). Being a member of the Moscow Military District, he took part in the parade on Red Square on 7th November, 1941. 2In 2009, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, arranged the Dokshyzer International competition for musicians on brass instruments. His works: “Out of the trumpeter’s memorandum book” (1995), “A trumpeter on the horse” (1996), “The way to creation” (1998).
Was born on 12th (30 April GC) May, 1888 in Nizhyn. She was Doctor of Philology (1935), a corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1926), a corresponding member of the AS USSR (1943). She was a researcher of the ancient Russian and Ukrainian literature and folklore. She wrote scientific works on history of the Democratic satire of 17th century, on the Russian and the Ukrainian school theaters, dramas. She made a significant contribution to the study of ancient monuments – “The Lay of Igor's Raid” and "Voyage beyond three seas" Afanasii Nikitin.
Was born on 2th February, 1812. He graduated from the Bezborodko Gymnasium of Higher Science (1825-1831). While studying a great amount of famous fables and poems was written by him. He is the author of the popular Russian romance “Black eyes”. He was the first person who paid attention to young T. Shevchenko and took a great part in his redemption from serfdom. That’s why the Ukrainian culture is obliged to him that in 1840 “Kobzar” was published.
Was born on 19th June, 1838. In 1905, when the younger son Heorhii entered Nizhyn historical and philological Institute, the Feders family moved to Nizhyn. He studied at the St. Petersburg’s Academy of Arts (1856-1862). An academician of the St. Petersburg’s Academy of Arts (1880). His paintings were exhibited in Russia, London (1872), Berlin (1886), Paris (1889). On 19th January, 1909 Yuliis Feders died in poverty in Nizhyn. The students of Nizhyn historical and philological Institute carried the coffin with the body of the artist the whole quarter on their hands. He was buried on the territory of St. Ioanno-Mylostyvoho Orthodox cemetery. A metal cross with the inscription was put on the grave: "Academician Yuliis Ivanovych Feders. 19.6.1838-19.1.1909". In 1984, the gravestone was officially transferred from Feders’ burial (already lost) to the central Trinity cemetery. A memorial plaque was placed on the facade of House 7 on Gogol square where Feders lived during 1905-1909 years.
was born on 22th (10GC.) June, 1863 in Nizhyn. A corresponding member of the ASUSSR (1921), a professor of Warsaw, Kazan and Moscow Universities. He had scientific works in the sphere of crystallography and crystal optics, radial and structural analysis. He deduced the law of interferences, X-rays’ reflection from the crystal (1913, Wulff-Brehhov formula). In 1913, independently from the British people, father and son, Henrіand Lourens, chose a completely different way. H.V. Vulf discovered the law of interference of X-rays, which had been reflected by the atomic plane of crystals and he also deduced a basic formula of ray diffraction analysis (known as the Brehh-Vulf condition or the rule of Brehh-Vulf). Despite the fact that the article of Vulfand the English article were published almost simultaneously, Brehhs were awarded the Nobel Prize (1915) and Vulf remained unrewarded.
Was born on 14th (1 GC) August, 1773 in Nizhyn. During the first world cruise (1803-1806) he was the captain of the ship "Neva". In 1827 being in Nizhyn, he personally presented a full edition of the books: “World cruise on the ship “Neva” during 1803-1806 years” to the headmaster of Nizhyn Lyceum I.Orlai. This edition is now kept in the Museum of a rare book named after H.Vasylkivskyi, which is situated in Nizhyn Gogol State University. He died on 26th February, 1837 in St. Petersburg and was buried in the cemetery of the Alexander - Nevskyi monastery. Naval officers collected some funds and placed a monument, which had been done per sketch of a seaman himself. There were such words: “Pedestrian, don’t grieve about the person, who set an anchor here, he took sails with him, under which he can fly to the sky”. An island in Hawai, the Alaska Peninsula, a strait, a riverand a mountainin Sakhalinare were named after Yurii Fedorovych Lysianskyi. There is a monument in Nizhyn and a street which were put and named to pay homage to him.