
archeology monument

An Archaeological Complex of annalistic city Nizhatyn

In this place the Old Rus site of the ancient settlement, which researchers identify with annalistic Nizhatyn , mentioned in chronicle in 1135 and in 1147, was situated. The archaeological complex consists of dytynets, the suburb, the outskits of the town «Fortetsia» and the settlement «Nove misto». The archaeological complex is situated on both banks of the Oster river.

Annalistic – Unenizh, Track of Commune (Horodok)

The Settlement on the territory of the Commune tract is identified with Unenizh in the cronicles of 1147. This village is located on the right bank of the Oster near the river bend. The so-called settlement is occupied by the ruins of Shepel’s mansion, its area is 1 hectare. The Posad (suburb) which is located around the settlement covers an area of 20 hectares.

Settlement "Selyshche"

The settlement was discovered in the 1990s by A. Morozov during the archaeological excavations on the western outskirts of Nizhyn. During the collecting of artifacts several spots were found. This proved that the settlement is a double-layer one.

Settlement "Vozdvyzhensky"

The settlement was discovered in the 1990s by A. Morozov during the archaeological explorations in the central part of Nizhyn city. Currently the study of the monument is complicated by the fact that it is under private buildings.

Settlement "Maherky I"

The settlement was discovered in 1980s by O.M. Sytyi, later it was explored by O.S. Morozov but the actual digging began only in 2015. The settlement is situated in the northwestern suburbs of Nizhyn.

Settlement «Vetkhe І»

The cultural heritage was opened by O.S. Morozov in the 1990s. There is a belief in historiography that this settlement can be connected with Vetkhorіzdvy (old Christmas) (Krasnoostrovsky) St.George Cathedral, which according to Filaret Gumilevskii originates from the 14th century.

Settlement “Maherky ІІ”

A monument was opened in 1980-s by Yu. M. Sytyi, later it was investigated by O.S. Morozov. The monument is situated on the road to the village Nyzy 1.5 kilometers from Nizhyn northwestern suburb, and 1 kilometer from the settlement Maherky І.

The place of annalistic battle near Nizhyn – Lake on the Nezhatena Nyva (cornfield), 1078

According to one of the many versions, the place of the so called battle took place nearby modern Nizhyn – Lake. This suggestion is based on the fact that the name of the modern town, Nizhyn, originates from the name “Nezhatyna” of the Old Rus epoch. That`s why this lake could get its name in commemoration of the battle which took place near the Old Rus settlement.

«Pereyaslavske» settlement

The settlement was discovered in 1986 during A. O. Multanen’s series of excavations in the eastern suburbs of Nizhyn on the left bank of the Oster River.

Коплекс підвалів втрачених ніжинського міського та грецького магістратів

Рештки підвалів виявлені 2002 року в результаті провалу вантажного автомобіля. Вперше археологічно зафіксовані вході охоронних археологічних досліджень 2005р. В результаті георадарного обстеження в 2016 році зафіксована наявність серії пустот що ймовірно становлять собою рештки підвалів магістратів. В 2017 році розпочате їх повноцінне археологічне обстеження.