Art Gallery of Nizhyn Gogol State University – is a unique phenomenon of modern Ukrainian art space. The uniqueness lies in harmony of old art traditions and modern art - space, where artists have an opportunity to organize private exhibitions, where students and public mass conduct sociocultural and educational offers.
The Rare Book`s Museum named after H.P. Vasylkivskyi is located in the center of Nizhyn on the first floor of the ancient building of former Merchants´ meetings, where the Fundamental Library of Nizhyn Gogol State University is situated now. Visitors will be impressed at once with the atmosphere of the museum: the smell of old paper, huge tomes in parchment and leather bindings with gold embossing, covers of unusual form, fancy Cyrillic headlines printed in a red vermilion, lines of Gothic texts…
In the exposition halls of the museum, some paintings of the world-renowned artists, such as S.F. Shyshko, M.I. Stratilat, P.S.Orel, Y.I. Halych, V. Dobrolizh, S.M. Rybak, O.H. Yakymchenko, are on display. A separate hall is devoted to the life and work of the prominent Ukrainian actress, Mariia Zankovetska. The exhibition includes personal things of the actress, unique posters of the plays, in which she played, programs, photos of the actors of the theater troupe, assembled by M. Zankovetska in Nizhyn. The exhibition hall of the department changes its exhibits once a month. More than 250 temporary exhibitions were on display during the work of the department. Among them there are exhibitions from the collections of Chernihiv and National Art Museums, personal exhibitions of various painters, photo artists, masters of ornamental art.
The department "Nature of Pryosterya" consists of two exhibition halls in which are reproduced the features of the natural environment of Nizhyn area. Visitors can get acquainted with the materials on the physical and geological characteristics of land, to see stuffed animals and birds of Nizhyn area, herbariums and collections of eggs. There is a zoo corner at the department.
A unique exhibition of the department is located in one building of the post station complex – an example of architecture of the 18th century and represents the development of post services in Ukraine in general and in Nizhyn in particular. In the museum, showcases with original collections of travelers’ way of life are represented: postal stationery, ink-pots of the 19th-20th centuries, candlesticks, collections of Russian and Ukrainian stamps, materials about the functioning of Nizhyn post station and the work of its employees. According to one of the archive sources, the interior of a stationmaster’s room with the working place and a restroom for travelers are reproduced in a separate room.
The department is the oldest in the museum. The department exhibition consists of six halls, in which more than 2 thousand original exhibits are on display. They represent the history of the town from the primeval age until now. The most exciting exhibit is the archeological collection, which represents the Old Rus and Lithuanian-Polish epochs. Rare exhibits tell about the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people in the 17th c. Other valuable exhibits include an ethnographic collection (traditional national clothes of 19th – 20th c., rushnyks, coins, household items), a collection of icons and printed books of 17th-19th c. The events of 1941-1945 are vividly represented (weapons, medals, documents from Soviet and German archives). A part of exhibition is devoted to the tragic events of the present – the struggle for independence and territorial unity of Ukraine.
Museums are cultural educational and research establishments which play an important role in the formation of the world-view of Ukrainian citizens. This is a special layer of civilization, which brings national culture and traditions to the world. In picturesque Nizhyn one of the newest museums is The Museum of Ukrainian ancient costume and everyday life of Nizhyn children’s choreographic school. It was opened on the occasion of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine on the basis of the only one choreographic school in Chernihiv region with the aim of more effective work of the younger generation and youth.
The museum traditions of Nizhyn University begin in 1909, when due to the 100 anniversary of Gogol’s birth, Gogol room was made as the initial form of the future museum. The initiators of its creation were the professors of Bezborodko M. N. Institute of History and Philology Speranskyi M.N., Rezanov V.I., Zabolotskyi P.O. In this status the museum complex existed till the 60s of the ХХ century. In 1964, answering the demands of the society, the room was turned into a museum. In July, 7 1967 Culture Ministry Board of the Ukr.SSR awarded it with the title of National museum.
Nowadays the Museum of history of Nizhyn Higher School consists of 3 halls, that content original exhibits, photos, documents, books, paintings, bas-reliefs, awards and honors, personal things of teachers and students that represent the development of this educational establishment from Nizhyn Gymnasium Prince Bezborodko M.N. of the 19th century up to the traditional Nizhyn Gogol State University in the 21th century. The third museum hall, that records the new history of IHL is rather mobile, its exhibits are permanently renewed, combined and changed, answering the demands of the educational establishment.