Batiuk Yakiv Petrovych

Years of life: 12.05.1918 - 07.09.1943
Categories: Personalities;
Personalities: Batiuk Yakiv Petrovych;

The head of Nizhyn underground Komsomol - youth organization during World War II. He wasthe Hero of the Soviet Union (1965, posthumously).

In early childhood he completely lost his eye sight. After graduation from Kiev University (1940) he was sent to Nizhyn to work as a lawyer at the Nizhyn city collegium of lawyers. He was the world's only blind head of an underground organization. Some streets in Nizhyn were named after him, a bust of him was imposed (1967), on the house where the headquarter of the undergrounders was, a memorial plaque was placed and there was a memorial on the place of their execution.

There is a film which tells as about their activities. It has two series. It is called: “After night day follows” (the director is O.I. Bijma). The role of Batiuk was performed by B.O. Konkin.