Oleksandr Yakovych Konyskyi

Years of life: 18.08.1836 - 12.12.1900
Categories: Personalities;
Personalities: Oleksandr Yakovych Konyskyi;

A Ukrainian translator, a writer, a publisher, a lexicographer and a teacher.

Was born on 18th August, 1836 in Perehodivka, Nizhyn district.

He spent his childhood in Nizhyn and remembered that time saying:

"Nizhyn is a small town. However, it was a center of enlightenment of Chernihiv region and the north part of Poltava region. Bezborodko Lyceum stood here in its beauty. Nizhyn had the illustrious past, especially connected with mercenary, because of that, there were many wealthy citizens.

He finished Nizhyn noble district school.

The author of lyrics “Pray for Ukraine”, he translated Shevchenko’s “Diary”. He was one of the first biographers of T.Shevchenko.