Mykola Mykolaiovych Boholiubov

Years of life: 21.08.1909 - 13.02.1992
Categories: Personalities;
Personalities: Mykola Mykolaiovych Boholiubov;

A prominent mathematician, an engineer, a physicist.

Was born on 21st August, 1909.

He spent his childhood (1911-1913) in Nizhyn, where his father worked as a teacher of religion in Nizhyn historical and philological Institute. His father, Mykola Boholiubov, was a philosopher and a theologian (1872-1934).

A doctor of physical and mathematical sciences (1930), a professor (1946), an academician of the USSR (1948). A honorable member of a lot of AS and scientific communities. An honoured scientist of the USSR (1970). He founded scientific schools of nonlinear mechanics, statistical physics and quantum field theory. He worked as director of Theoretical Physics Institute, as director of the Mathematical Institute of the USSR, as director of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubno. For his outstanding achievements in the development of mathematics, mechanics and theoretical physics he was awarded twice the Hero of Socialist Labor (1969, 1979), the winner of Lenin (1958) and three USSR State Prizes (1947, 1953, 1984).