An outstanding Ukrainian actress.
Was born on 4th August (on 23th July GC), 1854 in Zanky, Nizhyn district.
She studied at Nizhyn private French boarding school of Madame Sher. In 1876, she came out on the stage of the Nizhyn theater for the first time. Till the end of her life she did not break ties with the Nizhyn theatrical circle, where she lived continuously from1902 till 1924 and off and on returning after her tours – till 1932.
During 1906, 1913-1915 she worked as a chief of the Nizhyn amateur theatrical circle.
The First Public Actress of the URSR (1923). To the ceremony of awarding her this status a delegation from Nizhyn came. It consisted of F.D. Protsenko, T.A. Ahre and two girls from Zanky. After noticing her fellows, Mariia broke into tears. They presented her with gifts and congratulations, they were: “….coryphaeus of the critics and literature incline their heads before Your genius and they admitted that Your talent shone brighter than the well-known talent of Sary Bernar…”
Her house is saved till now. A college of culture and arts, a street, a square in Nizhyn are named after her. There is a memorial monument to Zankovetska in Nizhyn (the sculptor is O.Skoblykov).