Serhii Pavlovych Korolov

Years of life: 12.01.1907 - 14.01.1966
Categories: Personalities;
Personalities: Serhii Pavlovych Korolov;

A Ukrainian scientist in the field of rocketry and astronautics, a designer. He is considered to be the founder of practical astronautics.

He was born on 14th January (on 30th December GC), 1906. He spent his childhood in Nizhyn (1906-1914) and studied at Nizhyn gymnasium.

He was an academician of the USSR (from 1958). He was a designer of the first artificial satellites and spacecrafts. Under his leadership, the first spacecrafts of the series "Luna", "Venus", "Mars", "Probe" were created, as well as some satellites of the series "Cosmos" and the project of the spacecraft "Soiuz".

He was arrested.

An asteroid was named after his name (1955).