An actor and a singer.
Was born on 8th October, 1911 in Nizhyn and lived with his family there for about 10 years (according to other information sources – 5 years).
He was a public actor of the RSFSR (1965) and a prominent Russian singer. He played in 35 movies. On 7th October, 2011 in Nizhyn, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Bernes on Ovdiivska Street, House70, where he was born, an updated plaque was opened (with the false date of birth – October,7) and on 13th October, 2011 in the Hravskyi park - a bronze sculpture of Arcadii Dziubin, whose role was played by M.Bernes in the film "Two soldiers". (sculptores: Chepelyk Volodymyr and Oleksandr Chepelyk, the architect is Volodymyr Pavlenko).