Rebe Dov Ber Shneierson ben Shneur Zalman

Years of life: 12.11.1773 - 1827
Categories: Personalities;
Personalities: Rebe Dov Ber Shneierson ben Shneur Zalman;

A prominent Jewish religious leader.

Was born on 12th November, 1773 (9 Kislev 5534 - 9 Kislev 5588 according to the Jewish calendar). The second Liubavytskyi Rebe, Alter Rebe’s son, the founder of the Chabadu (one of the tendency of Hasidism).

Because of his activities, the center of the world Hasidism was replaced to Nizhyn. He is buried in Nizhyn on the Jewish cemetery. His grave (Oel) was a place of pilgrimage for palmers from all over the world.

On 19th November, 2007 close to Oel a synagogue was opened. With the arrival of Dov Ber Shneierson in Liubavych (1813) the town of Mohilev province (now the Smolensk region, Russia) became a Chabadu center, and its leaders started to be called Liubavytskymy.