Varvara Pavlivna Andrianova-Peretts

Years of life: 12.05.1888 - 06.06.1972
Categories: Personalities;
Personalities: Varvara Pavlivna Andrianova-Peretts;

A Russian and a Ukrainian literary critic, a folklorist, a linguist, a textual critiс, a bibliographer.

Was born on 12th (30 April GC) May, 1888 in Nizhyn.

She was Doctor of Philology (1935), a corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1926), a corresponding member of the AS USSR (1943). She was a researcher of the ancient Russian and Ukrainian literature and folklore.

She wrote scientific works on history of the Democratic satire of 17th century, on the Russian and the Ukrainian school theaters, dramas. She made a significant contribution to the study of ancient monuments – “The Lay of Igor's Raid” and "Voyage beyond three seas" Afanasii Nikitin.