Leonid Ivanovych Hlibov

Years of life: 05.03.1827 - 10.11.1893
Categories: Personalities;
Personalities: Leonid Ivanovych Hlibov;

A Ukrainian fabulist, a lyric poet, a cultural activist.

Was bornon 5th March, 1827. He studied at Nizhyn judicial Lyceum (1849-1855).

БHlibov’sfables, written in Nizhyn, became recognizable with fellows and teachers; in particular, a professor of theory and history of literature M. Tulov believed that "Hlibov’s fables showed everyday life of the Ukrainian people - completely independent and very valuable work is a major contribution to literature". Buried in Chernihiv. On the monument, which was built on public funds, the words of V. Samiilenko which were written exactly that day of Hlibov’s death, were stamped.