Aseaman, a geographer, and an oceanographer.
Was born on 14th (1 GC) August, 1773 in Nizhyn.
During the first world cruise (1803-1806) he was the captain of the ship "Neva". In 1827 being in Nizhyn, he personally presented a full edition of the books: “World cruise on the ship “Neva” during 1803-1806 years” to the headmaster of Nizhyn Lyceum I.Orlai. This edition is now kept in the Museum of a rare book named after H.Vasylkivskyi, which is situated in Nizhyn Gogol State University. He died on 26th February, 1837 in St. Petersburg and was buried in the cemetery of the Alexander - Nevskyi monastery. Naval officers collected some funds and placed a monument, which had been done per sketch of a seaman himself. There were such words: “Pedestrian, don’t grieve about the person, who set an anchor here, he took sails with him, under which he can fly to the sky”.
An island in Hawai, the Alaska Peninsula, a strait, a riverand a mountainin Sakhalinare were named after Yurii Fedorovych Lysianskyi. There is a monument in Nizhyn and a street which were put and named to pay homage to him.