Olha Antonivna Dobiash-Rozhdestvenska

Years of life: 31.05.1874 - 30.08.1939
Categories: Personalities;
Personalities: Olha Antonivna Dobiash-Rozhdestvenska;

A historian, a medievalist, a palaeographer and a public figure.

Was born on 31th (19GC) May, 1874. The family moved to Nizhyn in 1875, where her father Anton Dobiash taught Greek at the Bezborodko Institute of History and Philology. She graduated fromP. Kushakevych High female School with honours (1881-1890).

She defended her doctoral dissertation in Sorbonne (1911). The first female master in the Russian Empire (1915). She was a corresponding member of the USSR (1929), Chairwoman of the All-Russian teachers' union (1904-1906); a lecturer of Higher Courses for Women (Bestuzhevskyh) (1907). She prepared and published the first Latin paleography guide in the Russian language (1923).