«Pereyaslavske» settlement

Dating: 11th-13th century
Protection # : 130
Address: The eastern suburb of Nizhyn, the left bank of the Oster River, borders on Pereyaslavska Street.
Epoch: the Old Rus epoch;
Categories: archeology monument;

The settlement was discovered in 1986 during A. O. Multanen’s series of excavations in the eastern suburbs of Nizhyn on the left bank of the Oster River.

The settlement was discovered during the series of excavations under A. O. Multanen`s guidance in 1986. The 40-50х200 meter cultural layer was revealed. During the collecting of artifacts the collection of the Old Rus ceramics was compiled. Now the territory is under the supervision.

Author(-s): Kedun I.S., Parkhomenko O.H.