The Museum of history of Nizhyn Higher School

Address: вул. Графська, 2
Schedule: Monday – Friday from 9.00 to 16.00.
Contact person: the Head of Museum Complex Parubets Аnna Serhііvna
Categories: Museums;
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Nowadays the Museum of history of Nizhyn Higher School consists of 3 halls, that content original exhibits, photos, documents, books, paintings, bas-reliefs, awards and honors, personal things of teachers and students that represent the development of this educational establishment from Nizhyn Gymnasium Prince Bezborodko M.N. of the 19th century up to the traditional Nizhyn Gogol State University in the 21th century. The third museum hall, that records the new history of IHL is rather mobile, its exhibits are permanently renewed, combined and changed, answering the demands of the educational establishment.

Reorganization of The Museum of history of Nizhyn Higher School lasted from 2002 to 2005. During this time there functioned the working creative group, that took charge of reconstruction of three halls, dedicated to the 200-year-history of IHL. Its staff consisted of: the Head of the Chair of World Literature and History of Culture Prof. Samoylenko G.V., the dean of the Department of Physics and Mathematics Assoc. Prof. Anishchenko V. О., the lecturer of the foreign languages faculty Assoc. Prof. Bliznyuk О.І., the dean of the Philological Department Senior Lecturer Zabarniy О. V., the pro-rector of Academic and Education Assoc. Prof. Zinchenko S.V., the dean of the foreign languages faculty Assoc. Prof. Tezikova S.V., the Head of the museum Korin N. І., the Head of the Museum Complex Parubets А.S. A huge scientific research work was conducted including restoring, saving and arrangement of exhibits, that covered the historical time from 1805 (the year of educational establishment foundation) up to the present day. During 2009-2012 by the Head of the Museum Complex Skorokhod V. І. was made the full passportization of the museums and their official registration in the educational establishment, that remains in the sphere of management of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine (Certificate №26-122, decree №85 of 27.02 2012).

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