In the exposition halls of the museum, some paintings of the world-renowned artists, such as S.F. Shyshko, M.I. Stratilat, P.S.Orel, Y.I. Halych, V. Dobrolizh, S.M. Rybak, O.H. Yakymchenko, are on display. A separate hall is devoted to the life and work of the prominent Ukrainian actress, Mariia Zankovetska. The exhibition includes personal things of the actress, unique posters of the plays, in which she played, programs, photos of the actors of the theater troupe, assembled by M. Zankovetska in Nizhyn. The exhibition hall of the department changes its exhibits once a month. More than 250 temporary exhibitions were on display during the work of the department. Among them there are exhibitions from the collections of Chernihiv and National Art Museums, personal exhibitions of various painters, photo artists, masters of ornamental art.
The department was opened in 1991 and now has 3 exposition and 1 exhibition hall.
The first exposition hall represents the paintings of the world-famous artists: S.F. Shyshko, M.I. Stratilat, P. S. Orel, Y.I. Halych, V. Dobrolizh, S.M. Rybak (painting and graphic art).
The second exposition hall is devoted to the life and work of “the queen of Ukrainian stage” M. Zankovetska; history of Nizhyn M. Kotsiubynsky Drama Theater; history of the development of art and culture in Nizhyn area. The exhibition includes personal things of the actress, unique posters of the plays, in which she played, programs, photos of the actors of the theater troupe, assembled by M. Zankovetska in Nizhyn.
The third exposition hall represents the work of the painter O.H. Yakymchenko, resident of Nizhyn, graduate of Moscow S.G. Stroganov Art Academy. The exposition includes the works of the painter, his photographs and personal things.
Всього постійнодіюча експозиція відділу налічує близько 500 експонатів.
The permanent exhibition has around 500 exhibits. The fourth exposition hall of the department is used for placing temporary exhibitions. Its exposition is changed once in 1-2 months. More than 250 temporary exhibitions were on display during the work of the department. Among them are: exhibitions from the collections of Chernihiv and National Art Museums, personal exhibitions of various painters – members of the Society of painters of Ukraine and amateurs; photo artists – members of the national Society of photo artists of Ukraine and amateur photographers. The hall is provided for exhibitions to all talented and gifted individuals.