Assumption Church, built in 1761, used to have a magnificent view. In the 19th century a three-tier tower was attached to the western side. According to the stories and archives it was a rather large building, divided into the summer and winter church. In the summer of 1943, Soviet soldiers blew up five-domed Assumption Church, and in 1959 a tank ruined the remains of its walls.
Fabulist L. Hlibov had a marriage service with the daughter of the church archpriest F. Bordonos in Assumption church. Here on October 15, 1860 Archpriest Feodor Bordonos baptized Nikolai Samokish, a would be outstanding painter, author of many famous paintings (including the heroic painting "The Fight of Kyvonis and Vyshnevetsky" which glorified the renowned past of our people).
In 1761 instead of a wooden church Assumption Church was built, financed by merchant Alisov and nobleman Peter Klobukov. The church had a magnificent view and contemporaries called it the best of Nizhyn churches. Within some time the church became too small for all the Christians, and parishioners built the Cathedral. In 1812 the construction of the cathedral was over. In 1838 the bell tower was attached to the western side. In 1841 a fence was constructed. According to the stories and archives the cathedral was a rather large building, divided into the summer and winter church. Old-timers say that paintings in these churches were greater than in St. Nicholas Cathedral or in Annunciation Monastery.
Outside the Church of the Assumption somehow reminded of Annunciation Cathedral. However, the side domes were placed not on the corners but on the main side, that is typical of cruciform in plan churches of Ukrainian Baroque Era. On the western side of the church a large three-level bell tower was built in the 20th century, which had the characteristics of the classical style.
In January 1927, the district administrative department strictly prohibited the priest of Assumption Church to go in procession to the Oster River on Epiphany. Instead of religion, Stalin created a cult of his own personality, which led to violent persecution of the clergy, its physical destruction as well as the destruction of churches. And in the summer of 1934 the church together with the bell tower was blown up. In 1959 the remains of walls were ruined by a tank. The best of Nizhyn churches was completely destroyed.