Landlord Parpura’s mansion is a two-storied brick house - palace built at the turn of the 19th – beginning of 20th century in the best traditions of classicism. The composition features a rigorous elegance, harmony and symmetry. The walls, lined with bright red brick which pointing, give the building solemnity.
The house was built in the best traditions of classicism of the early 19th century. The composition features a rigorous elegance, harmony and symmetry. The architecture of its facades was designed in the form of the so-called "brick style" at the end of the 19th - early 20th centuries, providing decoration using profiled and simple bricks. The walls, lined with bright red brick with pointing seams, give the building solemnity. The main entrance on the risalit facade is designed as a covered four-columned gallery with a triangular pediment.
It did not undergo substantial restructuring.
Since the early 20's until September 1941 it operated as a central post, telephone station and telegraph of town Nizhyn. After 1945 there were the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren there (now it is the House of schoolchildren and youth).
The building is an interesting example of city building of the early 20th century.