A residential two-storied building with the surrounding area which belonged to the landowner N.I.Pashkovska. The building is a typical example of the civil architecture of Nizhyn of late classicism. Since its existence the building has not undergone any significant reconstruction. While studying in the Nizhyn classical school (years 1880) Riznychenko Volodymyr Vasylovych (1870-1932) lived in this house - an outstanding Ukrainian scientist in the field of geology and geography, Academician of the Ukr.SSR (1929), cartoonist, poet and translator. In 1912-1919 there was the Second High School for boys in Nizhyn in this building.
A residential two-storied building with surrounding area which belonged to the landowner N.I.Pashkovska. The building is a typical example of the civil architecture in Nizhyn of late classicism. Since its existence the building has not undergone significant reconstruction. It fits perfectly to the surrounding of historical and architectural environment by its architectural forms and proportions.
While studying at the Nizhyn classical school (years 1880) Volodymyr Vasylovych Riznychenko (1870-1932) lived in this house - an outstanding Ukrainian scientist in the field of geology and geography, Academician of the Ukr.SSR (1929), cartoonist, poet and translator.
Riznychenko Volodymyr Vasylovych. (October 18, 1870 - April 1, 1932) – Ukrainian scientist in the field of Quaternary geology, geomorphology, tectonics, glaciology, geography, one of the first leaders of the Ukrainian branch of the Geological Committee, Director of the Institute of Geological Sciences (1930-1932), cartoonist, poet and translator, member of the Shevchenko scientific society in Lviv, Academician of the Ukr.SSR.
He was born on a farm Valentiy in Nizhyn district. After graduating from Nizhyn High School in 1891 he entered the Natural department of Physics and Mathematics of Kharkiv University. Here he joined the revolutionary movement. In 1896 after graduation he worked in Moscow and Kherson.
Before 1916 Riznychenko V.V. guided geological studies in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, particularly in the hills of the Tarbagatai Mountains, the Tian Shan, The Altai Mountains, made the first geological and tectonic map of the southern Altai, opened a number of new glaciers. Volodymyr Vasylovych’s research findings were highly assessed. The Russian Geographical Society honored the scientist’s scientific deed with an honorable award - the N.M. Przhevalsky gold medal.
The second period of the scientific, organizational and social activities of V. Riznychenko is connected with Ukraine. In 1916-1917 he studied geology, hydrogeology and tectonics of Volyn. Since the proclamation of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the organization in 1918 of the Ukrainian Geological Committee, V. Riznychenko worked at first as a freelance, and then as a staff geologist. In 1927-28 he headed the Ukrainian branch of the Geological Committee. He was one of the first organizers of the geological filming in Ukraine.
From 1929, Volodymyr Riznychenko was a member of the Ukr.SSR Academy of Sciences and the Shevchenko Scientific Society, academician. In 1930 he headed the Research Institute of Ukr.SSR.
V. Riznychenko is the initiator of Kaniv Nature Reserve. On July 27, 1923 he submitted a memorandum to the protection section of nature in the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine, in which he stated the need to create a reserve on the coastal cliffs of the Dnieper area of about 10 miles in size. On July 30, 1923 V.Riznychenko’s note was considered after which the creating of Kaniv Nature Reserve began. He was also involved in research work of Askania Nova.
Volodymyr Riznychenko is also known as a poet and artist-cartoonist (alias: Velentiy - mother's maiden name). He published poetry and studies in the Scientific Literary Journal. In 1901 his first poem appeared, "The star on earth", "In a distant foreign land", "Entertainments" (1905, 1908), "Crown of thorns" (1908), cartoons in the magazine "Shershen" (Hornet) (1906) and the newspaper "Rada" (Council) (1909-12). He was not published after 1913.
V. Riznychenko died on April 1, 1932. He was buried in Kiev at Lukyanivske cemetery.