The house of the honorable citizen A.I. Levchenko

Dating: Early 20th century
Number of the order of the Ministry of Culture of the entry in the register : 1566
Date of the order of the Ministry of Culture of the entry in the register : 2012-12-21
Protection # : 10033-Чр
Address: 18 Nebesna Sotnia Street
Epoch: the Imperial epoch;
Status: Architectural monument of local importance;
Personalities: Yuliis Fedders; P.O. Zabolozkuy; G.A. Maksymovych; F.D. Protsenko;
Categories: architectural monument;
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The house of the honorable citizen A.I. Levchenko was built in early 20th century. From 1912 the Nizhyn women’s gymnasium of Anna Fedorivna Krestynska was situated there (1856-1923), which had been founded on public money. The building is two-storeyed, stone, rectangular in form, has a decorated façade. It has preserved its original form.

The gymnasium was founded in 1907 on the initiative of the arithmetics teacher of the Nizhyn women gymnasium of A.I. Kushakevych – A. F. Krestynska. Having no inherited money, Krestynska addressed the Nizhyn community. In summer 1907 there were gathered 2800 karbovanets, which were firstly spent on the 4-year progymnasium in the house of Samokhina. In 1910 this institution was reorganized in a gymnasium.

In 1912 the gymnasium of A. F. Krestynska moved into A.I. Levchenko`s house (Levchenko could have been given a status of the honorable citizen of Nizhyn because of giving his house for the gymnasium). This gymnasium contained 9 forms (7 main and the senior and junior departments of a reorientation class). The teachers in the gymnasium were: the Latin publicist G.Yu. Feders (the son of the artist Yu. Y. Feders), the professors of Nizhyn historical-philological institute P.O. Zabolotsky, G.A. Maksymovych, cultural-musical figure F.D. Protsenko. The tuition fee was 50-100 karbovanets a year.

In April 1919 the gymnasium was headed by the board, the deputy director of which was Krestynska. In 1920 the gymnasium was reorganized into junior secondary school №10, then into secondary school № 3. Now the Nizhyn medical college is situated in the house.

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