Ivan Ivanovych Funduklei

Years of life: 26.09.1804 - 22.08.1880
Categories: Personalities;
Personalities: Ivan Ivanovych Funduklei;

An administrator, a social activist, and a civil governor of Kyiv.

Was born on 13th November, 1804 in Nizhyn. He came from a family of a Nizhyn-Greek tradesman.

He was a honourable citizen of Kyiv (1872). He did a lot for Kyiv, being its governor (1839-1852). He was engaged in charity and contributed to the development of science and education. Andriyivskyi Uzviz was paved for his funds, a fountain was put on Teatralna (European) square, which was called “Fundukleivskyi”, the first Mykolaivskyi chain bridge (the first capital bridge over the Dnipro to Kyiv, that existed in 1853-1920 years) and the house of the first Kyiv town Council were built. He created the first gymnasium for women in the Russian Empire, which was called “Fundukleivskyi women’s college” (opened on 7th January, 1860).