The department "Nature of Pryosterya" of Nizhyn Ivan Spasky local history museum

Address: 14 Poshtova Street
Schedule: The department operates seven days a week. Reception hours are from 10.00 to 16.00.
Phone number: (04631)23128
Second phone Аnumber: 0684017513
Categories: Museums;
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The department "Nature of Pryosterya" consists of two exhibition halls in which are reproduced the features of the natural environment of Nizhyn area. Visitors can get acquainted with the materials on the physical and geological characteristics of land, to see stuffed animals and birds of Nizhyn area, herbariums and collections of eggs. There is a zoo corner at the department.

Department "Nature of Pryosterya" consists of two exhibition halls in which are reproduced the features of the natural environment of Nizhyn region. The first exposition hall offers to the visitors’ attention physical and geographic characteristics of the land, geological map and Nizhyn geological section district.

Geochronological table describes the development of the organic world. There are represented prints and paleontological remains of animals of different ages from the Jurassic period to the Anthropogenic period which were found in the region and district. In the showcases there are schemes of relief, phenological characteristics and climatic conditions of the region. In the exhibition hall the characteristic of each season with the typical flora, fauna and climatic features is presented. Separately there is presented the scheme of region and district’s hydronets with stuffed water residents and birds and schemes of Nizhyn region’s soils. The second hall is dedicated to several topics. The represented world of region flora and fauna consists of the scheme of Nizhyn forest area, wetlands area with typical representatives of marsh flora and fauna, forest fauna. There is a separate theme about current status of ecological situation of the region with particular emphasis on the contamination of region and district as the result of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. The exhibition ends with the showcase dedicated to the Red list of threatened species of native plants and animals. Herbarium specimens and sizeable examples of plants, stuffed birds, animals and huge dioramas create detailed exposition of the nature of Pryosterya.

In the department "Nature of Pryosterya" there is a zoo corner in which the residents of different regions of the world: Central Asian and North American turtles, giant African snail and others are kept. "Zoo corner" which was reconstructed a few years ago is popular among both adults and children, whose number is growing every year.

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