The Department "The Post Station" of Nizhyn Ivan Spasky local history museum

Address: 5 Poshtova
Schedule: The department operates seven days a week. Reception hours: from 10.00 to 16.00.
Phone number: (04631)25495
Second phone Аnumber: 0684017513
Categories: Museums;
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A unique exhibition of the department is located in one building of the post station complex – an example of architecture of the 18th century and represents the development of post services in Ukraine in general and in Nizhyn in particular. In the museum, showcases with original collections of travelers’ way of life are represented: postal stationery, ink-pots of the 19th-20th centuries, candlesticks, collections of Russian and Ukrainian stamps, materials about the functioning of Nizhyn post station and the work of its employees. According to one of the archive sources, the interior of a stationmaster’s room with the working place and a restroom for travelers are reproduced in a separate room.

The department was opened on September 16, 1993 during the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Nizhyn city. It is located in one building of the post station complex – a sample of architecture of the 18th century.

The department’s exhibits reproduce the history of Ukrainian horse-mail delivery from the days of Kyiv Rus – till the end of 19th century. It was created on the basis of archive documents about the Nizhyn post office which were preserved in The Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv and in the Central Historical Archives of St. Petersburg.

In the museum showcases, original collections of a travelers’ way of life are represented: postal stationery, ink-pots of the 19th-20th centuries, candlesticks, collections of Russian and Ukrainian stamps, the materials about the functioning of Nizhyn post station and about the work of its employees.

In a separate hall the interior of a stationmaster’s room with the working place and a restroom for travelers are reproduced.

At different times many travelers stopped at Nizhyn post station, among them there were outstanding scientists and artists: M. Lomonosov, G. Skovoroda , D. Fonvizin, Alexander Pushkin, M. Gogol, M. Glinka, V. Dal, T. Shevchenko, M. Vovchok, G. Shternberg, I. Repin, L. Hlibov and many others.

In one part of this mansion on October 25, 1860 in the family of a postman, a famous Ukrainian painter who specialized in military art, Academician Mykola Semenovych Samokysh was born and spent his childhood. At the exhibition there is a variety of materials about the artist’s life and work and his students.

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